About ME

Riq Azmi have always wondered what to do with his life. With so much to look forward to in life, Riq decided he wants to do whatever he could get his hands on. And for now, Riq’s hands is on the keyboard, typing whatever he so pleases as it is within authority to do so. Riq is also tired of typing in third person. So, hopefully you get the gist of who I am. If not…well, there are still plenty of opportunities for that.

Joking aside, I’m 21 and I like to write, play games, read books, watch cartoons; the usual nerd/geek stuff; watch wrestling/UFC, listen to music ranging from metalcore to alternative rock and then some. I like poetry, art, competition, travelling and aspire to be a lot of things. Hopefully I could achieve at least half of it.

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